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Oiamos la música a lo lejos
Y el sonido de vasos.
No nos importaba,
Bailábamos, bailábamos
Recordando el pasado.
La música seguía,
Mientras él mi cabello acariciaba
Y nuestras almas soñaban.
Nos sentíamos jóvenes.
La bella juventud
De pasados mejores.
Oíamos el ruido de los brindis
De la gente esperando
Que Año Nuevo llegara.
Teníamos unos minutos
De vagar por las nubes
Y encontrar Paraiso.
Seguros de encontrarlo
A punto de las doce.

No oíamos la música
Ni el sonido de vasos.
A mi alrededor sus brazos,
Habíamos llegado al cielo!
Nuestros labios se unieron.
Este era el Paraíso
A punto de las doce!


We could hear the music
And pouring of the wine.
For us it didn′t matter.
We danced and danced.
Our thoughts were wandering
Through feelings of the past.
The music was still playing
As he caressed my hair
And our souls kept dreaming,
We were being renewed.
We had not ceased to be
The youths of long ago.
We could still hear the toasts
Of all the people waiting
For the New Year to come.
We had only a few minutes
To travel through the clouds
In search of Paradise.
We knew we could find it
At the first sound of twelve.

The music had stopped playing
And pouring of the wine.
I felt his arms around me
We had arrived in heaven!
Our lips joined together,
We had found Paradise.
At the first sound of twelve.

Ana Oleson

Copyright © Todos los derechos reservados.

Publicado el: 14-04-2006
Última modificación: 01-07-2007

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